Monday, July 12, 2010

Flower Girl and Ring-bearer

10 Jul 10 (4) Our good friends from Discover Church—Nick and Carrie tied the knot yesterday.  It was a beautiful wedding and our family was honored to be asked to participate.  Claire and Isaiah acted as flower girl and ring-bearer respectively.

For Claire, the chance to dress like a princess was a dream come true.  Isaiah, on the other hand, usually just wants to do what Claire is doing until he finds out it involves lots of people watching him.  During the rehearsal we had a couple of false starts, but Isaiah eventually made it down the aisle hiding behind his hands.  Ominously, Saturday morning dawned with Isaiah’s announcement that he didn’t want to “carry a pillow”.  Mom and Dad were forced to pull out some positive reinforcement.

2:00 PM couldn’t come fast enough.  I was almost a nervous wreck trying to keep a white shirt, and a white dress WHITE till then!  I have to ask, who’s idea was it to leave chocolate chip cookies in the church lobby for my four and six year old to find?  <wink>  We did enjoy them though….

In the end, both kids played their parts wonderfully, and were pretty adorable if I do say so myself.  When Isaiah reached Jon who was waiting for them at the front of the auditorium, he whispered, “Do I get my remote controlled car now?”  Nothing like “positive reinforcement” to get a boy to smile while dressed up in a shirt and tie!


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