Sunday, August 25, 2013

Good News in Migabac

Our friends, Steve & Debbie McEvoy, are translators working among the Migabac people of Papua New Guinea.  In July, Steve completed the typesetting of the Migabac New Testament books—Matthew, Ephesians, Philippians, and Hebrews.  These books are now being printed at our center’s print shop.

Co-translators spent ten days in Ukarumpa proof reading the completed NT books.   Four other Migabac speakers also spent twenty-nine hours making audio recordings of these four books.  They took turns reading in a small sound booth while Steve recorded them onto his computer.  The McEvoys anticipate taking the printed Matthew, Ephesians, Philippians and Hebrews books to the village in September, and  the audio books will also be available to share on audio players and mobile phones!

We are excited that the Migabac people will soon have access to more Scripture in their own language.  The McEvoys’ Migabac friends recognize the need for Biblical training in leadership, marriage and the family.  Please pray that God would prepare their hearts to receive His Good News!

(Photos by S&D McEvoy)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Go Red!

The kids have been training for the past 4 weeks, and waiting all year for this big day:  Sports Day!  Each year the Ukarumpa International School graciously invites home school students to participate in a day of friendly competition.  Events included an obstacle course, sprints, relay races, ball toss, sack race, target toss, oval run, long jump and the traditional tug-of-war.  Red against Yellow!  Guess what team Claire and Isaiah are on.  <wink>


Every family that serves in Ukarumpa or enrolls a child in the school gets assigned a team.  Some of Claire and Isaiah’s friends have even continued the red/yellow loyalty into the 2nd generation!

This year Red dominated and Claire and Isaiah did well in their own team and individual events.  Claire claimed 4 ribbons and Isaiah struggled home under the weight of 6 ribbons!

(Photo by K Weaver)