Friday, August 23, 2013

Go Red!

The kids have been training for the past 4 weeks, and waiting all year for this big day:  Sports Day!  Each year the Ukarumpa International School graciously invites home school students to participate in a day of friendly competition.  Events included an obstacle course, sprints, relay races, ball toss, sack race, target toss, oval run, long jump and the traditional tug-of-war.  Red against Yellow!  Guess what team Claire and Isaiah are on.  <wink>


Every family that serves in Ukarumpa or enrolls a child in the school gets assigned a team.  Some of Claire and Isaiah’s friends have even continued the red/yellow loyalty into the 2nd generation!

This year Red dominated and Claire and Isaiah did well in their own team and individual events.  Claire claimed 4 ribbons and Isaiah struggled home under the weight of 6 ribbons!

(Photo by K Weaver)


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