On September 23rd, the Kodiak is scheduled to fly to Kansas where its ferry tanks will be installed. These special fuel tanks will sit inside the cabin and hold the extra fuel needed to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. When the installation of the tanks is complete, the aircraft will then be ready for the long journey to Papua New Guinea. Please pray that the aircraft and crew will encounter good weather, and that each leg of the trip will be uneventful and progress without delays.
The presence of these aircraft in PNG attests to the faithful provision of our God. All three Kodiaks are completely paid for through the gifts of people who share our burden for the Bibleless people of the world. We too hope to make that trans-global journey, and help see Papua New Guinea empowered by the written Word. We’re very close to our financial goals, and thank God for the team of partners he has already raised up.
We still need about $275 in monthly pledges, and estimate that we need an additional $4000 to cover airfare and shipping costs to PNG. When we have 100% of those launching funds, and our monthly financial partnership thermometer (on right) reaches 100%, we’ll be released to return to Papua New Guinea. But we can’t go without people like you who choose to become a vital part of this ministry! Will you prayerfully consider helping to complete our team of financial partners? Please contact us if you have any questions on becoming a prayer or financial partner, or you can click here to get started. Thank you!
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” --Matthew 6:33 NLT
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