Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sonlight at the Ends of the Earth

The day our Sonlight home school curriculum finally arrives is a red-letter day for our family.  Being that we’re within hollering distance of the “ends of the earth”, I’ve wondered if any other Sonlight users wait as long for their books to arrive.  That big white box makes quite a journey….

January 12—I place an order for our 2012-2013 home school material with Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. in Littleton, CO.

January 17—Boxes of books arrive by FedEx at our mission’s shipping office in Waxhaw, NC.

Mid March—Boxes are packed in a 40-ft. shipping container and head to a port on the coast of NC.

End of March—The shipping container is loaded on a freighter and begins the long journey to Papua New Guinea.

End of May—The freighter arrives at the port city of Lae, Papua New Guinea.

Beginning of June—The shipping container is unloaded from the ship and waits on the wharf to be inspected by customs officials.

End of June—The container is emptied and the contents are put on a truck to be driven 130+ miles up the Highlands Highway (about the equivalent of a neglected county road in the US).  The journey includes a climb of 5000 ft. up the Kassam pass via multiple hairpin curves.  Fortunately, it’s been dry for the past few weeks so there’s less concern that landslides might close the road.

June 29 (approx)—The contents of the shipping container arrive at the Ukarumpa Store’s warehouse to be checked one more time.

Today (nearly 6 months later)—Our boxes of curriculum finally arrive at our front door via the grocery delivery truck and its friendly driver, Willie.


The excitement of boxes at our front door entices even a curious (albeit anonymous) neighbor.


Unfortunately for the neighbor, the lure of new books makes Claire and Isaiah oblivious to anyone else in the room.  <smile>



Unknown said...

Glad you finally got them. Now they can start school with the rest of the kids!

Melissa said...

Hi! I was wondering if you can tell me about how much it cost to get the box to you? We may be moving to Ukarumpa (so excited!!), and we are planning on homeschooling, but trying to budget shipping costs, and I'm not even really sure where to start. Thanks for any help you can give me! You can either comment here and I will try to keep checking or you can e-mail me at munchkinsmomma24 @ gmail . com (no spaces).

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